Cross-border e-Services for Business Mobility
The first TOOP pilot area – Cross-border e-Services for Business Mobility – is composed of different usage scenarios that are of interest to the participating states, for example participation in public procurement procedures across borders
Updating Connected Company Data
The second TOOP pilot area – Updating Connected Company Data – foresees a central role for the business registers
Online Ship and Crew Certificates
The third TOOP pilot area – Online Ship and Crew Certificates – addresses the need for simplification in the area of ship and crew certificates, which are currently issued and maintained in paper format and stored by national Maritime Administrations
TOOP success stories

The implementation of the ‘once-only’ principle across borders will highly contribute to the realisation of the Single Digital Market in Europe.

Taking part in the TOOP project is perceived as a great experience to prepare us for the implementation of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.

One of our key goals in TOOP is to create conditions needed for establishing trust within the business sector.

Linking the Norwegian once-only landscape to an European once-only infrastructure - that is the main driving force for us to participate in TOOP.

The TOOP pilot in Poland provided the unique opportunity to exchange data in operational conditions with actual e-gov systems running in the other Member States.

The TOOP architecture has enabled Austrian eGovernment systems to connect with other European infrastructures, thus demonstrating cross-border interoperability in line with the ‘once-only’ principle.

The German pilot illustrates how the Once-Only Principle can be implemented in the eProcurement domain. The integration of TOOP and eCERTIS enables any businesses to qualify digitally by referencing and retrieving evidence in any procurement procedure.

Greece participated in the eProcurement and the General Business Mobility pilots enabling the consumption of business data and related evidences from data providers across borders.

Due to participating in TOOP, Estonia had an opportunity to test the interoperability of the national data exchange system with the e-Delivery building block.