In the previous months, the first TOOP piloting area was described. Now it’s the turn to present the next one – Connected Company Data services. It consists of two use cases: Business Register Data Provision and Business Register Interconnection. This time, we’ll be taking a closer look at the Business Register Data Provision.
This use case concerns the connection between national registries in different EU countries, which allows to provide cross-border services for the EU businesses. Thanks to the TOOP architecture, the information available in the Business Register in the home country will be automatically delivered to the foreign public authority. It is expected that Business Registers will be able to provide some information in the following categories: contact information, the activity sector and status, legal form, statutory documents, ownership information, company size, economic information, etc.
Due to this pilot, the EU businesses will not need to provide public authorities in another Member States with information required for the completion of the relevant cross –border procedures like tax office registrations, requests for tax or trade licences.
The use case contributes directly to the realisation of the goals of the Services Directive and is in line with:
- The EU Single Market policy
- The EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020
- The emerging regulation about the Single Digital Gateway - SDGR
- eIDAS Regulation
- General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR
To learn more about this use case, visit the TOOP pilot wiki: