Dear Reader,
welcome to the sixth edition of the TOOP newsletter! The first quarter of 2019 has been particularly important in regards to piloting activities in the project. In addition to Sweden and Greece, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia have also successfully implemented TOOP components, thus transitioning to the active piloting phase. The duration of the project has been extended until 31 March 2020, allowing us to extend the operating pilots in time, as well as to broaden the scope of pilots. Last, but not least important, our sister-project SCOOP4C is coming to an end on 30 April 2019. We will continue to advocate the benefits of the once-only principle and engage with the relevant stakeholders. Keep an eye on our social media channels for news and events dedicated to the ‘once-only’ principle, so as not to miss any relevant information and opportunities to exchange ideas about the diffusion of the ‘once-only’ principle across the EU. We would like to thank you for your continuous interest in the project and wish you an interesting read!
Prof. Robert Krimmer
TOOP Project Coordinator
The ‘Once-Only’ and Business Registers workshop
On 5 June 2019, in Tallinn, TOOP workshop entitled “Once-Only and Business Registers” will take place. It will discuss, how to reap benefits of the “once-only” applied in the domain of business registers. TOOP workshop will precede the EBRA 2019 conference, which is dedicated to the business registers community, organised by the European Business Registers Association (EBRA).

Just recently, the second amendment to the Grant Agreement was accepted by the European Commission (Research Executive Agency). It means, that the project is extended by 9 months, until end of March 2020. The extension will offer an excellent opportunity for European countries to reap even more benefits in the light of the upcoming Single Digital Gateway.

In September 2018 at the Once-Only-conference in Vienna, the handover of the SCOOP4C community to TOOP was initiated. This process is now completed with the end of the SCOOP4C project on 30th April 2019.

TOOP project will hold a workshop dedicated to the 'once-only' principle (OOP) in the eProcurement area on 22nd May 2019 in Brussels. It follows right after the Multi-Stakeholder Expert Group on eProcurement meeting on 20-21 May.
During the first months of 2019, series of articles about TOOP were developed:

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