Once-Only Conference in Berlin paved the way for a deepened cooperation between SCOOP4C and TOOP to establish the OOP across Europe

In their keynote speeches, Novaretti and Breuillin emphasised the importance of the OOP in Europe and endorsed its implementation through the Single Digital Gateway initiative. Novaretti appreciated the joint contribution of both EU funded projects, SCOOP4C and TOOP, to approach the OOP from a citizen and a business perspective.

During the day, diverse cross-border OOP use cases were presented from SCOOP4C and TOOP partners. They were taken from different environments like the social, health, education and business sector to cover a wide range of implementation scenarios. In the afternoon, speakers and visitors had the opportunity to openly discuss the presented cases in different world café sessions.

Moreover, the project coordinators Maria Wimmer (SCOOP4C) and Robert Krimmer (TOOP) took the occasion to officially sign a Memorandum of Understanding between both projects. “I am happy that we could today formalise what we have been doing successfully throughout the last months: working together on ways to make the OOP a cross-border reality”, Krimmer said.

Both projects were launched in January 2017 and investigate the implementation of the OOP in Europe on a cross-border level. While SCOOP4C is analysing how the OOP can be realised in public services for citizens, TOOP implements multiple pilots to explore the OOP from a businesses’ perspective. Since the very start, both projects are closely working together by sharing their experiences, organising joint workshops and aligning other promotional activities.

The event aimed at creating awareness of the importance of the OOP for administrative burden reduction. It was a good opportunity to demonstrate the interim project findings taken from the first 11 months. Furthermore, the discussion included current drivers, enablers and barriers, which have to be taken into account when exploiting the full potentials of the once-only principle in Europe.

At the end of the day, Wimmer concluded: “Today was a good day for co-creation, bringing our ideas a bit further. Let’s continue on that track.”

For more information on the event, please find the full agenda here.

Read the press release here!

Access the presentations below:

Fleur Breuillin presenting the Single Digital Gateway

Maria Wimmer presenting the SCOOP4C project

Robert Krimmer presenting the TOOP project

Lelde Čukure presenting the EESSI project

Hannes Astok presenting the exchange health data Estonia Finland

Gilda de Marco presenting the exchange health data Italy Slovenia

Lefteris Leotaridis presenting TOOP pilots for business

Jan Blömacher and Sirko Hunnius presenting the German TOOP pilots

Mats Lindstedt presenting the EMREX project
